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Linking Business and Territorial Development

Autorenbild: Dr. Engelbert RuossDr. Engelbert Ruoss

INNOREG closes the Gap

Do you want to achieve more impact? Are you at a point of transformation? Are you seeking change and innovation? Do you need a moderator for you processes? Do you look for a mentor? Then INNOREG will be your partner to

  • establish and promote future oriented, internationally accepted concepts of 3-dimensional, holistic development of enterprises and areas;

  • combine sustainable business and territorial development and seek synergies and Win-Win-Win solutions to create benefit, linking business strategies with local natural and cultural values as well as local resources;

  • offer solutions and professional support related to the development of enterprises and territories. We support the definition and establishment of visions and strategies, to launch transformation, to accelerate processes, and achieve visible results;

  • engage to concentrate on core competences, to create free spaces without losing efficiency and to overcome difficult situations successfully.

INNOREG engages in 6 service lines

Since its foundation in 2008, INNOREG became a sophisticated partner for enterprises and regions. Our manifold competences, experiences from decades of personal engagement will support your project responsible, managers, entrepreneurs and investors.

The INNOREG service lines are:

  • HERITAGE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT: Foster Tourism in World Heritage sites and Biosphere Reserves, and guide tourism development to avoid negative impacts for natural and cultural heritage.

  • SOCIAL MEDIA ACTION PLANNING: Optimize the use of Social Media platforms and establish strategies and 5W action plans to apply ICT efficiently in business and regional planning.

  • COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Involve people and local stakeholders in development and decision making processes to increase awareness, identification and responsibility of the actors.

  • RENEWABLE ENERGY NETWORKING: Define and realize joint strategies to establish and maintain new renewable energy technologies.

  • BUSINESS EMPOWERMENT: Mobilize resources for business development and establish integrated leadership models.

  • SME | STARTUP COACHING: Achieve objectives faster with motivation, competence and experience. Fostering and supporting startup companies with innovative ideas and products.

Engelbert Ruoss, 13 August 2020


Beitrag: Blog2_Post
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